ECSA and EU-Citizen.Science are co-hosting a webinar about the recently published ‘Characteristics of citizen science’. This document is the output of a community-based effort to outline what can be characterized as citizen science. Led by members of the working group that wrote this document, the webinar will be an opportunity to learn more about its content, why defining characteristics of citizen science was necessary, and how it will benefit the field. Join this webinar to find out more about this new resource and to discuss its contents with the authors. The event is free to attend and you can register here.
Colombe Warin, project advisor at the European Commission
Muki Haklay, co-director at ExCiteS at University College London and vice-chair of ECSA
Susanne Hecker, research associate at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, and a member of ECSA’s board of directors
Maike Weißpflug, researcher at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
Margaret Gold, project officer for ECSA