This report presents the outcomes of the 2020-2021 EUA Open Science Survey and provides evidence-based recommendations for institutions, researchers, research funders and policymakers on the transition towards Open Science. The 2020-2021 EUA Open Science Survey focused on the level of development of Open Science in Europe‘s universities, addressing the role of Open Science in institutions’ strategic priorities and its implementation in institutional practices. In addition, the survey transversally addressed both the established (Open Access, research data) and emerging (e.g. citizen science, open education) fields of Open Science. The authors found that approximately 50% of the respondents know of citizen science and open education activities at their institutions, although around 25% indicated not knowing of any. The authors of this report suggest that institutions should continue to invest in embedding citizen science in institutional policies and practices and continue to create incentives and opportunities for researchers and staff to increase their involvement in CS. Read the full report here.
CS Track publishes policy recommendations based on project results
Since November 2019 the international research project CS Track has been combining traditional social-science methods with web-based and computational analytics in order to systematically survey the field of Citizen Science. Based on our findings, we have now...