As a follow-up of the Analytics Workbench workshop in November 2021, the RIAS group were invited to give a talk in the speaker series on Digital Citizen Science at the prestigious Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT). The presentation entitled “Web-based Analytics of Citizen Science – Methods and Tools”, delivered on January 25, addressed CS Track’s approach to analytics and analysis with a special focus on content analysis (determination of research areas and SDGs related to projects). It included a short demo of the workbench and was followed by a lively open discussion about the potential of these tools and methods in the context of general research questions in the assessment of Citizen Science activities. In a discussion with the hosts engaged in the project “Digital CS: Wellbeing@Home”, the RIAS team agreed on a roadmap for further exchange and cooperation.
If you are interested in the Analytics Workbench and missed the workshop, we are happy to announce a re-run of the workshop on Tuesday, 15 March 2022!